For fun, here's a list of Myers-Brigg personality types and how they could match to Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder classes. Of course Myers-Brigg is at a personal level rather than lumping a whole class, but this can be a fun way to consider character development.
MBTI | MBTI Name | DnD 5e Class | Pathfinder 2e Class |
ENFP | Champion | Warlock, Barbarian | Shaman, Summoner |
ENFJ | Teacher | Cleric | Cleric, Inquisitor |
ENTJ | Commander | Monk, Fighter | Cavalier, Inquisitor |
ENTP | Visionary | Warlock | Summoner, Arcanist |
ESFJ | Caregiver | Bard | Bard, Oracle |
ESFP | Performer | Ranger | Ranger, Skald |
ESTJ | Supervisor | Figher | Fighter, Paladin |
ESTP | Dynamo | Rogue | Rogue, Swashbuckler |
INFJ | Councelor | Cleric | Cleric, Oracle |
INFP | Healer | Sorcerer | Sorcerer, Oracle |
INTJ | Mastermind | Wizard | Wizard, Arcanist |
INTP | Architect | Artificer | Artificer, Summoner |
ISFJ | Protector | Druid | Druid, Inquisitor |
ISFP | Composer | Rogue | Rogue, Slayer |
ISTJ | Inspector | Paladin | Paladin, Inquisitor |
ISTP | Crafter | Ranger, Rogue | Slayer, Kineticist |

Here's a short summary of the different types for those who are not familiar with Myers-Brigg:
ENFP - Champion: ENFPs are outgoing, enthusiastic, and creative individuals who are energized by exploring new ideas and possibilities. They are often described as "idea people" who are quick to see connections and patterns in things, and have a natural ability to inspire and motivate others.
ENFJ - Teacher: ENFJs are warm, empathetic, and highly attuned to the needs and feelings of others. They have a strong sense of personal responsibility and take their roles as leaders and nurturers very seriously. They are often described as "people-people" who are skilled at bringing out the best in others and creating a harmonious, positive environment.
ENTJ - Commander: ENTJs are natural leaders who are driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make things happen. They are highly analytical, strategic thinkers who are able to quickly assess a situation, identify opportunities, and develop and implement a plan of action. They are often described as "take-charge" people who are able to inspire others to follow their lead.
ENTP - Visionary: ENTPs are creative, curious, and highly adaptable individuals who are always on the lookout for new ideas and possibilities. They are energized by exploring new concepts and are highly adept at seeing connections and patterns in things. They are often described as "idea generators" who are able to inspire others with their boundless enthusiasm and creativity.
ESFJ - Caregiver: ESFJs are warm, compassionate, and highly attuned to the needs and feelings of others. They are natural caretakers who are highly skilled at creating a harmonious, supportive environment for those around them. They are often described as "people-people" who are able to bring out the best in others and create a sense of community and belonging.
ESFP - Performer: ESFPs are outgoing, enthusiastic, and highly sociable individuals who thrive on being the center of attention. They are natural performers who are energized by the applause and admiration of others. They are often described as "life of the party" people who are able to create a fun, lively atmosphere wherever they go.
ESTJ - Supervisor: ESTJs are natural leaders who are highly organized and efficient. They are driven by a sense of duty and a desire to create order and stability in the world around them. They are often described as "take-charge" people who are able to inspire others to follow their lead.
ESTP - Dynamo: ESTPs are highly action-oriented individuals who thrive on excitement and adventure. They are natural risk-takers who are energized by the thrill of the moment. They are often described as "doers" who are able to quickly assess a situation and take action to achieve their goals.
INFJ - Counselor: INFJs are highly empathetic, deeply intuitive individuals who are driven by a strong sense of purpose. They are often described as "quiet leaders" who are able to inspire and motivate others with their idealism and passion.
INFP - Healer: INFPs are deeply compassionate, idealistic individuals who are driven by a strong sense of personal values and principles. They are often described as "healers" who are able to create a safe, supportive environment for those around them.
INTJ - Mastermind: INTJs are highly analytical, strategic thinkers who are driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive impact in the world. They are often described as "big picture" people who are able to see the underlying patterns and connections in things.
INTP - Architect: INTPs are highly analytical, logical individuals who are driven by a desire to understand the underlying principles and structures of the world around them. They are often described as "thinkers" who enjoy exploring complex ideas and theories, and are skilled at developing logical, efficient systems and solutions.
ISFJ - Protector: ISFJs are highly practical, dependable individuals who are driven by a strong sense of duty and responsibility. They are often described as "caretakers" who are highly attuned to the needs and feelings of others, and are skilled at creating a stable, supportive environment for those around them.
ISFP - Composer: ISFPs are highly sensitive, artistic individuals who are driven by a desire to create beauty and harmony in the world around them. They are often described as "artists" who are skilled at expressing themselves through various mediums, and are highly attuned to the sensory details of their environment.
ISTJ - Inspector: ISTJs are highly practical, dependable individuals who are driven by a strong sense of duty and responsibility. They are often described as "methodical" people who are skilled at creating order and stability in the world around them.
ISTP - Craftsperson: ISTPs are highly practical, analytical individuals who are driven by a desire to understand the underlying principles and mechanics of the world around them. They are often described as "mechanics" who are skilled at working with their hands and are able to quickly assess and solve problems in a practical, efficient manner.