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NPC: Arden Malendel

Name: Arden Malendel

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Cleric

Level: 6

Description: Arden Malendel is a wise and compassionate half-elf who has dedicated his life to healing and bringing peace to those around him. He stands tall and proud, with a warm smile and kind eyes that put others at ease. Despite the many challenges he has faced, he remains steadfast in his beliefs and determined to help those in need.

HP: 51

AC: 17 (scale mail armor)

Key Stats:

  • Strength: 14 (+2)

  • Dexterity: 10 (+0)

  • Constitution: 14 (+2)

  • Intelligence: 12 (+1)

  • Wisdom: 18 (+4)

  • Charisma: 16 (+3)


  • Arden is a devout follower of the god of healing and light, and his faith guides his every action.

  • He is a skilled healer and can mend wounds and cure diseases with ease.

  • Arden has a way with words and can inspire those around him to be their best selves.

  • Despite his gentle nature, he will not hesitate to defend himself and others if necessary.


  • Scale mail armor

  • Wooden shield

  • Mace

  • Holy symbol

  • Backpack with healer's kit, bedroll, rations, and other supplies for travel and survival


  • Cure Wounds

  • Bless

  • Spiritual Weapon

  • Prayer of Healing

  • Lesser Restoration

Attack Stats:

  • Mace: +4 to hit, 1d6+2 bludgeoning damage

Arden Malendel is a beacon of hope and healing in a world that can be dark and chaotic. His charisma and wisdom make him a natural leader, and his skills as a cleric are highly sought after. He is a true hero, always willing to put the needs of others before his own and to stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

Arden's childhood was marked by hardship and poverty. His mother was a half-elf who struggled to provide for her family, while his father was a human who abandoned them when Arden was just a baby. Despite these challenges, Arden was determined to make a better life for himself and his loved ones.

At a young age, Arden discovered his gift for healing. He began to study the teachings of his god, and soon became known throughout the land for his ability to cure the sick and injured. His reputation grew, and he was soon called upon to heal wounded soldiers and mend broken bones.

As Arden's skills as a healer grew, so too did his reputation as a peacemaker. He began to mediate disputes between warring factions, using his words to bring about understanding and reconciliation. His charisma and wisdom soon made him a trusted advisor to rulers and leaders throughout the land.

Arden's quest for justice and peace has taken him to the far corners of the world, but he always returns home to his small village to tend to the needs of his people. He is a beloved figure, known for his kindness and generosity, and his presence brings comfort to all those around him.

Despite the many challenges he has faced, Arden remains humble and grateful for the gifts that his god has bestowed upon him. He knows that there is still much work to be done in the world, and he is determined to continue his quest for peace and healing, one person at a time.

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