The Sandals of the Whispering Forest are a powerful and rare magic item, crafted from the enchanted leaves of ancient trees deep within the forest. They are said to grant the wearer the ability to move swiftly and silently through any forest, communicating with the forest spirits and animals.

These sandals are highly sought after by both druids and rangers, as they enhance the wearer's connection to the natural world and grant them additional abilities. The sandals require attunment, meaning that the wearer must bond with the magic of the sandals for them to be effective.
Key Attributes:
Grants the wearer the ability to move swiftly and silently through any forest
Enables the wearer to communicate with forest spirits and animals
Adds +2 to Dexterity and Wisdom, and +1 to Survival skills
The wearer is able to see through foliage, mist and heavy rain as if they were not there
The sandals allow the wearer to sense danger and gives them advantage on initiative rolls
When worn by a ranger, the sandals grant the ranger an extra spell slot of 1st level
Can be used for tracking and foraging for food in the forest
When worn by a druid, the sandals grant the druid the ability to shape-shift into a small forest creature once per day
Only effective in forests
Requires attunment
Rarity: Very Rare
Buying Price: 1000-1500 gold pieces
Selling Price: 500-750 gold pieces