The Gas Cloud Trap is an ornate, 1.5' tall, 1' wide, and 1' long box that contains a powerful trap capable of releasing a deadly gas cloud. The box is decorated with intricate engravings and is designed to look like a valuable container to attract the attention of rogues and thieves.

The trap can be triggered by a specific condition, such as when a certain creature comes within a certain range or when the box is touched. When triggered, the box releases a gas cloud similar to the Stinking Gas Cloud spell. The gas cloud fills a 20-foot radius sphere centered on the box, causing creatures within the cloud to become nauseated and take 2d8 poison damage.
Key Attributes:
Releases a 20-foot radius cloud of stinking gas when triggered, causing creatures within the cloud to become nauseated and take 2d8 poison damage
Can be triggered by a specific condition, such as proximity or touch
Decorated with intricate engravings, making it seem important and/ or valuable
Uncommon rarity
Buying Price: 100-150 gold pieces
Selling Price: 50-75 gold pieces