The Kāṣāya of the Seasons is a rare and powerful set of monk robes imbued with the magic of the changing seasons. These robes are said to have been crafted by ancient monks who were masters of the elements and were able to harness the power of the seasons.

The Kāṣāya of the Seasons is highly sought after by monks who wish to deepen their connection to the natural world and augment their martial abilities. The robes require attunment, meaning that the wearer must bond with the magic of the robes for them to be effective.
Key Attributes:
Grants the wearer the ability to harness the power of the seasons, granting +1 AC bonus in spring, +2 to damage in summer, +1 to Dexterity in autumn and resistance to cold damage in winter
Adds +1 to Wisdom and +1 to Intelligence
The wearer is able to move with greater speed and agility, granting them an extra 10 feet of movement
The robes grant the wearer the ability to call forth a burst of seasonal energy once per day, dealing extra damage to a target (2d4+3) or healing a friendly creature (1d4+3)
When worn by a monk, the robes grant the monk an extra ki point and the ability to expend ki to gain resistance to one damage type for 1 minute
Requires attunement
Rarity: Very Rare
Buying Price: 3000-3500 gold pieces
Selling Price: 1500-1750 gold pieces