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RPG location: Seaton Trade Island Town

Seaton is a bustling island town located between the port cities of Haven Orn and Port Kenten. It's known as a neutral location where political differences are left at the dock, making it a popular spot for traders to come and exchange goods. The town has grown rich over the years thanks to the trade of spices, wines, rare silks, animal hides, fruits, and other valuable items.

As you walk through the streets of Seaton, you'll notice the vibrant colors of the buildings and the bustling energy of the merchants and traders. The streets are lined with shops selling all manner of goods, from exotic spices to fine silks. The smell of fresh seafood wafts through the air, and you can see boats coming and going from the docks, loaded with all manner of cargo.

The people of Seaton are friendly and welcoming, and you'll find that there's always someone willing to chat or help you out. The locals are a mix of different races and cultures, and it's not uncommon to hear several different languages being spoken on the streets.

One of the most interesting things about Seaton is the Gossip Market, a place where merchants come to share news and rumors from all over the world. It's a lively and colorful place, and you never know what kind of information you might pick up there.

Overall, Seaton is a vibrant and exciting place to visit. Whether you're looking to trade goods or simply explore a new place, you'll find that there's always something interesting happening in this bustling island town.

Seaton is also home to representatives of several powerful guilds, including the Merchant Guild, the Trader Union, the Iron Vault, and the Room of Whispers. These guilds work together to ensure the continued prosperity of the town and its trade. The Merchant Guild is responsible for the import and export of goods, while the Trader Union negotiates fair prices and sets standards for trade. The Iron Vault safeguards the town's wealth and resources, and the Room of Whispers provides valuable information and intelligence for the town's traders and merchants.

The town is managed, more than ruled, by the Forgotten Prince, who is the third generation descendant of the Kanarranian Family that fled the Andariol Empire. The Forgotten Prince holds a unique position in Seaton, as his family has a long history of trade and commerce, and his influence is respected by the merchants and traders in the town. He works closely with the guilds to ensure that the town's trade remains prosperous and that its citizens are protected.

The guilds in Seaton work together to create a stable and profitable trade environment. They share information, resources, and expertise to make sure that everyone's interests are protected. The guilds also play a role in maintaining the peace and security in Seaton, so that traders can come and go without fear of piracy or banditry.

In short, the guilds of Seaton are the backbone of the town's economy and the Forgotten Prince acts as a mediator between them and the citizens, ensuring that everyone's interests are protected and that the town's trade remains prosperous.

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