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RPG Location: Suddler's Rest

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Suddler's Rest is a large tavern located about a 15-minute walk outside of Ryndall, a small village. It is a popular stop for merchants and travelers on their journeys and is known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The tavern is built with stone and timber, with a high ceiling built around a central chimney. The central chimney is the heart of the tavern, providing warmth and a focal point for the bar and seating areas. The bar is built around the chimney, offering a cozy and intimate setting for patrons to enjoy a drink. There is also additional seating beyond the bar, providing ample space for larger groups or for those who prefer a more private setting.

The interior of the tavern is well-lit with lanterns hanging from the strong oak beams that form the structural strength of the ceiling. The beams are adorned with ivy and other greenery, adding to the warm and inviting atmosphere. The tavern has a rustic charm with a warm and inviting atmosphere and the staff are friendly and welcoming.

Suddler's Rest is known for its good food and drink, and it is particularly popular for its hearty meals and local ales. The tavern also has a reputation for being a safe and secure place to stay overnight, with private rooms available for rent.

The tavern is also known for giving its regular customers a Suddler's Plate, a decorative stone plate that provides a meal once a day when placed over a fire.

Suddler's Rest is owned and operated by Okley Suddler, a stoutly built half-orc woman who inherited the tavern from her father about 5 years ago. Okley has lived in Ryndall all her life and is known for her friendly and welcoming personality. She runs the tavern with her business partner and husband, Holton 'Holt' Myler, who is a retired bard and performs in the bar some evenings.

The tavern is large and regularly packed to capacity, so Okley employs 4 to 6 additional servers and kitchen staff to help keep up with the demand. The tavern also has a group of 4 or 5 regulars who are known for their friendly and welcoming personalities.

In a given evening, the tavern has a good mix of humans, halflings and a lesser number of tieflings, elves or dwarfs, usually stopping there in their travels. The tavern is a hub of activity, and one can expect to find a lively atmosphere, with patrons chatting and laughing, and the sound of Holt's music filling the air. The tavern is known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and travelers of all races, classes and backgrounds are welcomed with open arms.

Suddler's Rest is usually open from around early lunch to a little after midnight, providing a convenient location for travelers and locals alike. Okley, the owner, is known for keeping a safe and secure environment for her patrons and deals quickly and effectively with any troublemakers, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and safe. Holt, her business partner, is also known for his warm and welcoming personality and often performs with his lute, entertaining visitors with his music.

The tavern is a great place to stop for a meal, a drink, or just to relax and enjoy the company of others. The tavern is also a safe and secure place to stay overnight, with private rooms available for rent, and the tavern staff is always happy to help make the patrons' stay as comfortable as possible.

Arriving early in the day

When players arrive at Suddler's Rest in the early morning, they will find a bustling tavern just beginning to stir to life. The tavern is a large, stone and timber building with a high ceiling built around a central chimney. The interior is well-lit with lanterns hanging from the strong oak beams that form the structural strength of the ceiling. The bar is built around the central chimney and offers a cozy and intimate setting for patrons to enjoy a drink.

The tavern is owned and operated by Okley Suddler and her husband, Holton 'Holt' Myler. Okley is a stoutly built half-orc woman known for her friendly and welcoming personality and her ability to keep the tavern safe and secure. Holt is a retired bard who provides entertainment with his lute some evenings. The tavern staff is welcoming and friendly, and the tavern is known for its hearty meals and local ales.

The tavern is open from early lunch to a little after midnight and is a great place to stop for a meal, a drink, or just to relax and enjoy the company of others. The tavern also offers private rooms for rent, making it a convenient and safe place to stay overnight. The tavern is known for its inclusive atmosphere and welcomes travelers of all backgrounds. The tavern is usually quite busy in the morning, with a good mix of locals and travelers starting their day with a meal or a drink.

Arriving late afternoon/ early evening

Arriving late evening

Creeping around in the dark

Sample menu with meals and drinks

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