Name: Kirra 'Ta
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Barbarian
Level: 9th Level
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Kirra 'Ta is a towering figure, standing at over 6 feet tall and possessing a muscular build. Her skin is a dark, earthy green and her eyes are a piercing yellow. She wears tattered leather armor and wields a massive greatsword. Her wild, untamed hair is adorned with feathers, beads and bones, and her face is adorned with tattoos.

Kirra 'Ta is a fierce and proud leader, known for her bravery and cunning. She is respected and revered by her tribe, and will do anything to protect them. Despite her brutal nature, she has a strong sense of honor and is fiercely loyal to her allies. She is quick to anger and prone to violence, but also has a surprisingly compassionate side.
Strength: 18 (+4)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 14 (+2)
HP: 75 (9d12 + 27)
AC: 16 (Leather Armor)
Movement Speed: 40 ft.
Unarmored Defense
Greatsword: 2d6+4 slashing damage
Javelin: 1d6+4 piercing damage
Spells: None
Reckless: When Kirra 'Ta attacks with advantage, she also leaves herself open to attack.
Relentless Endurance: Kirra 'Ta can continue fighting even when near death, regaining hit points equal to 1d12 + her Constitution modifier.
Brutal Critical: Kirra 'Ta deals an extra die of damage on critical hits.
Rage: Kirra 'Ta can enter a rage, giving her advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, and allowing her to make a bonus action attack.
Great Weapon Master: Kirra 'Ta can choose to take a -5 penalty to her attack roll in order to add +10 to her damage roll.
Javelins (4)
Leather armor
Rations (7 days)
50 gold pieces.
Kirra 'Ta was born into a tribe of nomadic half-orcs living in the harsh desert. Despite her mixed heritage, she was accepted and raised as one of their own. From a young age, she displayed a fierce determination and a natural talent for combat, quickly rising through the ranks to become a respected warrior. When the previous tribal leader was killed in battle, Kirra 'Ta stepped forward to take his place, and has been leading her people ever since.
Despite the harsh conditions in which they live, Kirra 'Ta's tribe has prospered under her leadership. They are a close-knit community, relying on each other for survival in the harsh desert. Kirra 'Ta is a strict but fair leader, and is loved by her people for her courage and unwavering loyalty.
Though she is known for her brutal nature, Kirra 'Ta is also surprisingly cunning. She is always looking for ways to improve her tribe's chances of survival, and is not afraid to take risks or make difficult decisions. Despite her rough exterior, she has a soft spot for the young and vulnerable, and will go to great lengths to protect them.
In combat, Kirra 'Ta is a force to be reckoned with. She wields her greatsword with ease, relying on her raw strength and ferocity to overpower her enemies. When she enters a rage, she becomes a whirlwind of violence, striking down anyone who stands in her way. Despite her brutal nature, Kirra 'Ta is not without honor, and will not attack unarmed opponents or those who have surrendered.
Allies and Enemies:
Kirra 'Ta's tribe is her main ally, and she will go to great lengths to protect them. She has also formed alliances with other nomadic tribes in the desert, and is respected by the neighboring human and elven communities. Despite her reputation for violence, she is not actively seeking out enemies, but will defend herself and her tribe if necessary.
Goals and Ambitions:
Kirra 'Ta's primary goal is to ensure the survival and prosperity of her tribe. She is always on the lookout for ways to improve their quality of life, and is not afraid to take risks or explore new territories in search of resources. She also has a strong sense of pride and is determined to prove that half-orcs are just as capable as any other race. In the future, she hopes to expand her tribe and secure their place as one of the dominant forces in the desert.
Overall, Kirra 'Ta is a powerful and charismatic leader, respected by her people and feared by her enemies. She is a force to be reckoned with, both on and off the battlefield, and is not afraid to take risks or make difficult decisions in order to achieve her goals. Despite her brutal nature, she has a surprisingly compassionate side, and will go to great lengths to protect those she loves.
Key advisors/ friends:
Grommash, half-orc bard, 7th level. Grommash is Kirra 'Ta's right-hand man and closest advisor. He is a charismatic and flamboyant bard, known for his wit and cunning. He wields a lute and can use his songs to inspire and heal his allies.
Rokgar, half-orc rogue, 8th level. Rokgar is Kirra 'Ta's scout and spy, responsible for gathering information and reconnaissance. He is quick and agile, relying on his stealth and cunning to get the job done. He wields a short sword and a hand crossbow.
Grimgor, full-blooded orc fighter, 9th level. Grimgor is Kirra 'Ta's enforcer, responsible for maintaining order within the tribe. He is a formidable warrior, wielding a battle axe and a shield. Despite his brutal nature, he is fiercely loyal to Kirra 'Ta and will do anything to protect the tribe.
Dro'gath, half-orc ranger, 7th level. Drogath is Kirra 'Ta's hunting party leader, responsible for providing food and resources for the tribe. She is a skilled tracker and hunter, relying on her bow and survival skills to get the job done.
Zalara, half-elf cleric, 7th level. Zalara is Kirra 'Ta's spiritual advisor, responsible for the tribe's religious and spiritual needs. She is a devout cleric, wielding a mace and able to call upon the power of her deity to heal and protect her allies. Despite her peaceful nature, she is a fierce warrior when it comes to protecting her tribe.